Machine Learning Research


I'm a research scientist working on 3D generation at NVIDIA's Toronto AI Lab with Sanja Fidler. I recently completed my PhD in machine learning at the University of Toronto, advised by David Duvenaud. My work focuses on ultra-scalable nested optimization, aiming to create and then use the tools powering AI models of the future. For example:

Previously, I worked at Google on their production AutoML pipeline, and at Facebook (now Meta) AI Research with Jakob Foerster on multi-agent learning. My M.Sc.A.C. at the University of Toronto was a joint program in Statistics and Computer Science focusing on Data Science. Even earlier, I did my undergrad with a double major in Computer Science and Mathematics, and a minor in Economics, while working with Dmitry Krass on Operations Research.

Potential Interns: Students interested in an internship at NVIDIA's Toronto AI Lab should fill in this form. See this link for open positions, or contact members with relevant interests for more details.


Location: Toronto, Canada



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